Tiger Kingdom!

After we went to the buffet on Saturday, we stopped at the Tiger Kingdom tourist stop.  This is the place where people pay for the opportunity to go into the tiger cages and have their pictures taken with huge Bengal tigers. No, these are not the ones from Cincinnati!

We took the students inside so they could see what is offered there, but we knew we did not have the money to buy admission for everyone.  It is very expensive for a person to go inside the cage to sit down next to a tiger and pet them for a photo opportunity.

We discovered, however, that for just a few dollars each they could go into the park and walk around to see the various tigers up close.  The pastors decided the students would enjoy this opportunity, so we bought tickets for everyone.

We all had fun walking through the park and actually got up close to a couple of the tigers.  We also learned a little about the various kinds of tigers there are in the world.
The president of this class, Pung Ram Sar, also took this opportunity to have some fun.
This was another first for all of our students from Burma and a welcome break from their studies.

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