Can you say "Buffet?"

On Saturday we all had the chance to travel to the north side of Chiang Mai to eat a tasty buffet lunch at one of the best buffets in the city.  It was a beautiful place with a very nice buffet area surrounded by two orchid gardens and a butterfly farm.

Many of the students have never been to a buffet like this, so it was quite a treat.  We tried to warn the students to go easy with the amount of food they took the first time through the line.  Some of them still filled their plates, so when they returned to the line a second time they could not eat much of the plate they filled.  After that, we went to the fruit bar and coffee bar to finish our meal.  

We thank the anonymous donor who made this trip possible.  The food was very good, and the students, teachers, and FLC staff had a great time.

When we finished the meal, it seemed to me that the girls' table had the highest stack of used plates.  What do you think?

After lunch we took time to tour the orchid gardens and butterfly farm.  It was nice to go inside the butterfly area and take pictures of the variety of flowers and butterflies there.

The orchids were also amazing!  They must have perfect conditions there for their growth.  At the end, we took a couple of group pictures.  You may notice that two of the women are missing from this picture because they had lagged behind in the butterfly area.  But all in all, it was a great day!

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