CHE finishing up, Doctors arriving, and one more Student Testimony

The CHE training finished today (Friday the 25th).  We are so grateful to Eric and Shannon Wiederholt (and their co-worker, April) for coming back to teach our students.  They are dearly loved and appreciated.  They are part of the Global CHE Network.  If you want to find out more about their ministry, check out their website at

This week has also begun the arrival of the doctors and nurses who will teach the next five weeks of medical classes and sessions.  Dr. Bjorn Nilson, our Medical Director, has been in Thailand for two days now.  Dr. Bruce Gross, who will be Academic Dean this year in Rick Astone's absence, is just now arriving in country.

Please pray for our medical instructors as they travel to Thailand and then engage with our students.  Everyone knows each other already, so they will be able to pick up right where they left off last March.  This is going to be a great year for the Barefoot Doctors School.

Last week Paul Bergquam shared the short testimonies of about a dozen students in posts 3-6.  We now have one more testimony to share from Simon Arso.

I'm going to write my testimony short, to the point. Firstly, I give my greeting to all of the FLC faculty members and BD students.  I am thankful how God has showed me the way to share His good news by sending me to here.

Medical knowledge is also a part of and very helpful in sharing the gospel, because when we go on outreach trips. People don't want to allow us to share the gospel (in the villages), but there is no one healthy so they allow what we say about the medical care.

We told them medical curing is for free and they're very excited. Then we shared good news too at the same time. We went twice last year on gospel trips to the villages among the Akha people. We went to the many of people. They're worshiping the spirits. (Note: worshiping the spirits means, all the Akha people worship the spirits of their grandfathers and grandmothers). And the leaders of some villages said, ''We've never heard about this good news."

In the village there's a special man who is religious leader and also Shaman. He invited us to his home and then he said to us, ''Some kind of white insects were coming out from inside of my body and cured many of traditional medicine but never ran away. So if you can, help me.'' But he said that the white insects no one can see, but only himself.

Then we shared about Jesus Christ and Who can help him to chase away the white insects. And he said, ''If the insects run away, I believe what you told me about the One named Jesus.''

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