Bible Instruction Starts in a Few Hours!

From Paul Bergquam, one of this year's Bible instructors:

In just a few hours, the 2019 Bible classes for the Barefoot Doctors will begin. However, as of 9 pm Sunday evening Timothy, one of the translators, and Isaac, a student, had not yet arrived. Join us in praying for their safe arrival.

As you might imagine, we are all excited and a bit anxious as we anticipate starting classes. Please pray for Simon, Paul and Dan, the instructors, that we may communicate God’s truth accurately in the power of God’s Spirit. 

Pray for Abraham and Timothy, the translators, as they translate the lessons from English into Burmese. And pray for the students as they have so recently left their homes and families that their minds and hearts may be open to hearing God’s Word that they may “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

To Him be the glory in all things! 

Also, pray for Jung, the staff and the cooks that we may work together for the glory of God.

May the Lord be with you,

Paul Bergquam 

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Since Paul wrote this Timothy and Isaac have arrived safely. The first day of Bible teaching went very well, ending with a worship time in the evening with Paul Bergquam preaching.

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