Sun church (on KLC campus)

Everyone after church

Pastor/translator Timothy preaching.

Students singing at church.
Sunday was a nice relaxing morning with a simple but powerful church service. Just the students, teachers and local leaders. It is amazing how good the students are at singing. All they had was their voices and a guitar but it sounded awesome. Real genuine worship. I tried to post a video but it would not work. Attached are a few pictures to give an idea.

The most powerful part were the 2 testimonies from the students. One was about how he has wanted to be a Barefoot Dr. for many years but he was never on the list of accepted students. Through many hard times he almost gave up and then heard the good news that he was accepted this year! It was still a difficult road to get here between long travel and financial concerns but he made it. The experience only deepened his faith in God and he is so excited to be here! This level of excitement helps ensure he will stick with these duties as a Barefoot Dr. many years into the future.

Student testimony of Gods protection.
The second student testimony was about a very scary experience. She worked in the new capital city of Naypyidaw. The city is known for its very sparse population and she describes streets that are empty in the evenings. One such evening she was walking by herself leaving work. She saw something up ahead and thought it was a dog because she did not have her glasses. As she got closer it turned out to be 3 teenage boys who started to harass her. They started to follow her and continued harassing her slowly becoming more aggressive. She remembered a Bible verse that tells us to be strong in our faith of God and he will be with us. She was praying desperately as there was no one around and she knew there was not going to be anyone else to help her. Suddenly one of the boys said to the others, “she has a knife!” “We might get something from her but she could cut us.”  The boys stopped the pursuit and she was safe. The miraculous part was that she did not have a knife only her cell phone in her hand. She is convinced that God protected her and made the boys see a knife. The very next day and at the same time there was a man who the boys attacked and they robbed him of his cell phone, watch, and whatever else they could get. 
The experience deepened her faith and dedication to get the Barefoot Dr. training to help others.

Another delicious meal together after church.

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