Friday Quiz and student presentations

Student presenting to the class on a medication.
We started out the day with a student presentation on a medication they will have access to when they go back to Burma. One student presentation everyday. They do amazingly well talking in front of the group compared to past classes or even western college students.  Then the lecture continued with Genitals and STD’s. This subject is taking longer than we planned but so very important as Burma is exploding with more sexual exploitation and sexually transmitted diseases due to it opening up to outsiders a few years ago. An influx of western tourist with lots of money has increased the risk of related dangers.

Student teaching on medication.
Overall this group is doing extremely well. We are starting to focus more on problem-solving rather than just learning book knowledge. For example, this morning the book recommended a particular antibiotic but it is not one they will have in their medical kits. They were asked to figure out what would be a comparable medication that they will have in their kits. It took a few minutes but they arrived at the correct answer! This indicates they are starting to put it together and we will continue this focus for the rest of the program.

A different student presenting on a medication. 
Taking the quiz
In the afternoon was the Friday quiz. This is not just to test the knowledge level but used as an additional teaching tool. All the questions are reviewed right after the test. The audience response system is used to instantly show all the students answers on the projector. This leads to some great heated discussions about why students picked the answer they did. This fosters a deeper understanding of the material and critical thinking skills.
Taking the quiz

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